Perseverance & being in the same team with the right people, who support you in good and bad times will definitely bring so much meaning to your work & life. I have been in the company for just a few days over a year now, and I finally feel that
"the job belongs to me".
I dislike remembering the past, but being in this job has definitely changed my perspective on life - A measurement of "How much better?". I was struggling when I got back to home town, where my family, close friends & my wonderful man; lend a helping hand & giving me all their support.
The job I did previously was definitely not hard; it is the people there that make it hard for me to work. Needless to say, I am happy that I no longer work there. I left very soon for training in KL after I quit the job & the decision had turned my life around.
I was a ban tong sui (setengah baldi) all-rounder to pick up bits & pieces from here and there. I was provided with a company car for my convenience to travel from my "home" to the office. I tried my best to postpone/ delay to receive the keys as I have not driven a car for years! I was worried, diffident & not ready to take up so much commitment at once. I was forced to take the keys on the 5th day. I gave in & I got myself a new friend - Challenge.
I could not express how happy I was to get a greater gift from the company on 31/7, apart from having the opportunity to be the pioneer on setting up this new business in EM.
16/7 marks my 1st anniversary with the company. And yes, I am extremely happy to be here, doing this job and god, I love the travelling!
I would sum up my experience as full, comprehensive training; Sky is the limit.