When someone tells me how good or perfect is their partner, I tend to think they're lying..
(Mustahil la tidak pernah gaduh & don't have any complaints kan..)
But I really want to know what does 重色轻友 people think sometimes..
Is it your partner is the one and only friend that you want in life?
You care for no one else just him/ her?
There's no need to make any friends?
I'm just curious..
Macamana this kind of people can survive ah?
Klu one day (palis2) they broke up, apamacam??
Cari another one to maintain being 重色轻友 punya orang kah? @.@
I really hate when this kind of people who ignored you all these while,
then tiba-tiba contacted you again when they need or want something from you..
Then after they got what they want, they just babai sja like that..
Tanya pasal dia, bukan mo jawab..
Ok ka bgtu? Sya marah oo..