CeeLo says (3:09 PM):
if i was given a dollar everytime u ask me y y y .. i'll buy u burger king for the rest of ur life .. LOL
ekeke. :)

I woke up at 7am this morning, and I feel so happy! coz mami bought "gor chong" for me last night.. I already eaten 1 last night, ate another this morning, and having my third (and last) one right now.. LOL nyum!
Weeeeeeeeee, I fail to eat healthy today!
Look at those fats, my fav! I love them! Sadapppp~! LOL
Well, I got this from him..
And if you look very hard at this photo, you will notice that it's already opened..
(I didn't open it, and I went to bed early last night.. T.T)
I took out the chocos and wanted to take some photos..
And I let Keybook run around after having his food..
And he came running to my chocolates! T___T
And then,
Since Keybook already bite the choco, so I opened and feed it to him..
The cracker is still inside him mouth! =.=||
Here's the videos of him eating the choco..
Then he suddenly ran around with the choco in his mouth.. LOL
Then I realised something was wrong and stopped the video..
His teeth got stucked in the choco! :p
That's what you get for chewing off my choco! ;p
Fed Keybook with some anchovies.. on my bed.. LOL
Gave him tiny crackers to eat.. He ate slowly at first, then he stuffed the whole thing into his mouth! =.=||
Opened the new stuff for Keybook.. This is how he looks like inside the ball..
He doesn't know how to play with his new toy at first.. I had to teach him slowly by moving the exercise ball.. After a few rounds, he already knows how to play with the ball.. And I think he likes it.. :)
More photos! Look at how he exercised in the morning!